Korea Craft Designers Association 2024

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n W a s h i n g t o n D . C Mixed flower 120x10x170 mm | mixed media Kwak, Seong-hee KOREA | mmkk1235@naver.com New York University (M. A. STUDIO ART, USA) Ewha Womens University B.F.A Applied Art Solo Exhibition 7times (Seoul, New York) Professor of SADI (Samsung Art & Design) New York City University, exchange professor Present, Professor of MyongJi College Keenness 65x55x35 mm | silver Kwak, Tae-hyeuk KOREA | joanes19@naver.com Graduated from Chung Ang University Graduate School of Design(Ph. D.) Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy Award Korea Design Exhibition Professor, Department of Digital Industrial Design Induk University 35