Korea Craft Designers Association 2024

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n W a s h i n g t o n D . C I.TE+3101 500x500x200 mm | copper wire Kim, Jun-hyeop KOREA | artjewelry@kongju.ac.kr Professor, Dept. of Precious Metal & Jewel Design, Kongju National University B.F.A. Metal Art and Design at Hong ik University M.F.A. Metal Art and Design at Hong ik University Master of Design at Dundee University in UK Ph.D Metal Art and Design at Hong ik University 7 times of Solo Exhibitions Hommage 297x420 mm | Digital print Kim, Min-ah KOREA | sw170303@naver.com Adjunct professor, Suwon Women’s University 32