I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n W a s h i n g t o n D . C The landscape of the lake Apron 740x880 mm, Bag 460x100x370 mm | Digital Textile Printing on Fabric Joo, Mi-young KOREA | joomy33@yuhan.ac.kr Dept. of Human Environment & Design, Yonsei University, Ph.D Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Yonsei University, M.S. & B.S. 2018~ Yuhan University Assistant professor 2014~2017 Chungkang college of cultural industries, Invited professor 2009-2012 Daron Fashion Group(New York) Women’s wear Designer 2007-2009 BARAMI(New York) Women’s wear Designer 1993-1998 E.Land, Designer Phlox 35x123x35 mm | gold, labgrown diamonds, rubellite Jung, Su-jin KOREA | imirene0913@gmail.com 2015 Claasic diamond co. LTD 2019 Classic gem 2022 Korea Gemologist certification 2023 GIA alumni 2023 Korea Jewelry design Association 25