Korea Craft Designer Association 2023

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n C A N A D A squares and circles 15~30x15~30x15~30 mm | nephrite Niu ChenXu CHINA | newqingerwuyu72@163.com MA in Ethnic Art and Design at Yunnan Arts University, China PhD candidate in Jewelry·Fashion Design at Hanyang University, South Korea 2016-2017 a designer at Yunnan Aoke Creative Agency, China 2018-2019 a designer and jade engraver at Yunnan Jade and Jewelry Studio, China Many of his works have been exhibited and collected permanently by the Cultural Corridor of the House of Literature and Art in Yunnan, China Express nature 200x200x250 mm | Celadon glaze white ceramic Oh, Bok-sik KOREA | designer6114@hanmail.net Professor of industrial design Korea Polytechnic Colleges Member of the Korean Craftsmen,s Association, Korean Craftsmen,s Designer Association, Korean Photographer Association, Korean Association of industrial designers Possession of Work Yanggu Culture Art Hall Appearance Broadcasting MBC-TV Ceramic Creftsmen Participation in the International Exhibition of Canadian Pottery Private exhibition & group, Operation of pottery workshop 46