Korea Craft Designer Association 2023

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n C A N A D A Deformation stone pagoda paperweight 100x100x25 mm | Brass Lim, Byeong-deok KOREA | treebd@empas.com Lectures at Seoul National University of Science and Technology Lectures at Gongju University Lectures at Gyeonggi University Lectures at Sungshin Women’s University JBM Scholarship Foundation Lectures Currently lecturing at Hongik University, Dankook University In the Beginning 4 90x10x67 mm | Soil from the artist garden, Iron, enamel, epoxy, pigments Lorena Lazard MEXICO | lorenalazard33@gmail.com Lorena Lazard is a Mexican artist. She holds a master degree in Sociology and later on studies art in the USA. She is the creator of the school “Atelier Lazard”. And is the coordinator of the Contemporary Jewelry program at the University Centro in Mexico City. In 2018 she was granted second place at the Latin American Biennale of Contemporary Jewelry in Argentina. And in 2021 won third price on the competition FIO at the Alice Floriano Gallery in Brazil and was finalist on the exhibition Enjoia’t at the Design Museum in Barcelona. 43