I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n C A N A D A Breeze 20x10x20 mm | White gold, Citrine Lee, Min-kyoung KOREA | ring2451@hanmail.net M.F.A. Department of Industry Arts at Wonkwang University Ph.D. Department of Jewelry Engineering at Dongshin University Committee Member, Korean Association of Gem and Jewelry Committee Member, Korea Decorative and Cultural Art Promoting Association Adviser, Human Resources Development Service of Korea Presently: Ph.D./ Professor, Dept. of Jewelry and Gemology Hankyoung National University Flower vase 130x130x250 mm | ceramic soil Lim, Bok-sil KOREA | boksillim@hanmail.net 2015~ Participating artist in Asia Ceramic Camp 2016.7 The 30th Choonhyang Grand Art Exhibition, Grand Prize in Crafts 2017~ Participating artist in Korea Ceramic Design (KCDA) Association 2021~ Invited artist in Choonhyang Art Exhibition 2022.2 Kunsan University, PhD program completed in Formative Art Design The Owner of DOJA LAND (Ceramic Studio) 42