I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n C A N A D A - trace - 505x95x20 mm | persimmon tree Lee, Kwan-seop KOREA | kl554@daum.net 2008-2012 Professor, Traditional Culture Training Institute, Korea National University of Cultural Heritage 2015-2023 Judge, Buddhist Art Exhibition (Chongmuwon for Cheontae Order of Korean Buddhism) 1993-2023 Awarded 5 times for personal exhibition, more than 49 times for group exhibition. Regular member of Korea craftsmen association Regular member of Korea Art Association Representative of Mokchil Cultural Institute Aesthetics of nature 2023 460x600 mm | silk Lee, Mi-kyung KOREA | lmksje@naver.com Ph.D. in Fashion Design major from Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea 26 times Invitational Solo Exhibitions (Germany, Austria, Netherland, Seoul,) Creative Director of H-plus Textile Design Company, Seoul, Korea Lecturer, The Korean National University of Culture Heritage 41