I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n C A N A D A FROM THE MOON 500x540x540 mm | clay of porcelain Lee, Jeom-chan KOREA | doja61@hanmail.net Hongik University Graduate School · Daegu Catholic University, Ph. D. in Art 19 solo exhibitions, 540 group exhibitions Korea Crafts Competition Operating Committee and Deliberation Committee Member Daegu Crafts Competition Operation and Deliberation Committee Member, Invited Artist Daegu Industrial Design Exhibition Operation and Deliberation Committee Member, Invited Artist Vice President of Korean Fine Arts Association President of Daegu Fine Arts Association Present, Professor of Design Faculty, Kyungil University DAEGU-GREEN 320x380 mm | Cotton, Digital Textile Print Lee, Jong-boon KOREA | ari811@hanmail.net B.F.A. Department of Arts Education at Hanyang University M.F.A. Department of Applied Arts at Hanyang University 2nd Solo Exhibition Over 200th Group Exhibition Joongbu University adjunct professor Lecturer at Sangji University, Seoul Cyber University 39