Korea Craft Designer Association 2023

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n C A N A D A elina.k. Clam Bag III 180x40x220 mm | Felt(DTP), Leather, Metal Accessories Kim, Hyung-joo KOREA | elinakim@yuhan.ac.kr (BA, MA) Ewha Womans University, majoring in Textile Design (MA) Goldsmiths, University of London, UK, Department of Design (PhD) Hanyang University, majoring in Textile and Fashion Design The 7th International Solo Exhibition ‘New Look’ (Chelsea Gallery, UK) Korea International Design Award / Head of an Organization Award Present) Assistant Professor, Yuhan University Department of Fashion 23-5-4 wallpaper design 380x270 mm Kim, Joo-yeon KOREA | 45i@naver.com Adjunct professor, Department of Jewelry & Fashion Design at Hanyang University Lecturer, College of Arts, Seokyeong University Deputy general Manager, Planning Dept., Haewoo GLS,. Co. 2017 4th Solo Exhibition, U.S.A. 2016 3rd Solo Exhibition, U.S.A. 30