Korea Craft Designer Association 2023

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n C A N A D A The Trace 100x100x160 mm | Porcelain clay Kim, Hee-gyun KOREA | guniya@hanmail.net PhD, Deartment of Design at Sangmyung University 21 times Solo Exhibition KSCS International Invitation Exhibition of Color Works China, Korea and Japan Ceramic Design Exchange Exhibition ASIA NETWORK BEYOND DESIGN Present, Professor. Ceramic Design, College of Design, Sangmyung University “Light of Life X” 700x150x150 mm | Glass Kim, Hye-young KOREA | hykim@dst.ac.kr Ph.D. in Glass, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tama Art University, Japan (2005) Inviting Author, Korean-Japanese Glass Design Workshop: Glass With Ceramic. Icheon Serapia Creative Studio. Korea (2013) Invited Lecture, Niijima International Glass Art Festival Workshop. Japan (2008) Invited Demonstration Speaker at NAMSEOUL INTERNATIONAL Glass Workshop (Namseoul University) (2006) Invited Lecture, G.A.S (Glass Art Society) Conference. Japan (1998) Professor in Beauty Design Dept., Daejeon University of Science and Technology 29