Korea Craft Designer Association 2023

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n C A N A D A a wobbly flower 420x595 mm | textile (t/c), digital printing Cho, Moon-hwan KOREA | cmh@yuhan.ac.kr Director, Chief Executive Officer, NEO DTP Director, Advisor, Yuhan-Kimberly.lLid Adjundt Professor Artistic Crafts at Chung-Ang University Department of i-Fashion Design at Yuhan College Unfamiliar Familiarity_III_#2 90x100x65 mm | Resin, Sterling Silver Cho, Wan-hee KOREA | wanycraft@gmail.com Non-tenure track Assistant Professor, Dankook University, Korea 2022 Ph.D. Hongik University, Seoul, Korea, Matal Art and Design 2016 MA. San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA Jewelry and Metalwork 2010 BFA Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA, Metal Crafts and Jewelry Design 2023 Unfamiliar Familiarity 5th Solo Exhibition, Crafts on the Hill Gallery, Seoul, Korea 10