Korea Craft Designer Association 2022

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n H a w a i i With Love 1250x1480x250 mm | stainless, cooper, brass Ahn, Soon-joo KOREA | asjoo@pusan.ac.kr Professor, Metal Craft Arts, College of Arts, Pusan National University Solo Exhibition 8 Times Group Exhibition over 400 times Great Expectation-2022 420x594 mm | polyester, thermal transfer printing Ahn, Zean-ho KOREA | zinotexmoda@ynu.ac.kr Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD), Paris, France Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science, Philadelphia, USA 18 times of Solo Exhibition (Daegu, Daejeon, Jeonju, Seoul, Tokyo) 2017-2018 Visiting Scholar of Jefferson University, Pennsylvania, USA 2019-2020 Dean of College of Design and Art, Yeungnam University Professor, College of Design and Art, Yeungnam University, nvitation Designer named by DAEGU DESIGN EXHIBITION AWARD 08