I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n H a w a i i garden 450x450x150 mm | celadon clay Yang, Gab-Soo KOREA | artgabsoo@hanmil.net Gwangju University Inustrical Design Major Graduated JoseonUniversityCeramic Art and Craft Majors Graduated “IL GIORNO DELLA COREANA” MOSTRA COLLETIVA COREANA VILLA CLERICT International Ceramic Artist Exhibition Gang Gin Namwon international ceramic art invited Exhibition 2015 Ceramic Exhibition Of Korean - Chinese Ceramic Art Exhibition of Korean – Japanese Professor.Department of Floriculture.Chunnam Techno University Wing 2 80x10x90 mm | 18k gold, diamond, ruby, pearl Yang, Hee-sook KOREA | ezer@hotmail.com Founded ezer Jewels in 2001 Participated in International Jewelry Exhibition over three times by 2004 Invited designer and judge at Korea Art Conference in 2008 Selected invited artist at Korea Artistic Academy Fair in 2019 (100th Anniversary of Korea Independence Movement Day) Invited Artist at Mongolian Culture Exchange 2019 Special Artist Award at Korea-China Culture Exchange Fair 2021 72