I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n H a w a i i When I was young... 420x594 mm | dtp on the fabric Um, So-hee KOREA | simple8401@gwnu.ac.kr M.F.A,, B.A. in Ewha Womans University, Seoul Ph.D in Seoul Womans University Graduate School, Seoul 11th Solo Exhibition Multiple Exhibition of internal and external Invitation or Group Exhibition The Invited Artist & operation committee member of Gangwon Art Grand Contest Examiner of Korea Art Grand Contest Present : Professor, Gangnung-Wonju National University, Korea una storia-XVIII 420x594 mm | transfer printing, polyester fabric Wang, Kyung-hee KOREA | wangkhee@naver.com B.F.A. Department of Arts and Crafts at Seoul Women’s University, Seoul, Korea M.F.A. Department of Arts and Crafts at Seoul Women’s University, Seoul, Korea Istituto Europeo di Design, RSP Master Diploma in Fashion and Textile Design, Milano, Italy Ph.D. Department of Textile & Fashion Design at Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea 4 Solo Exhibitions & Many Group Exhibitions Present, Leader of Research & Development Team, Poly Plus, Seoul, Korea Adjunct professor, Department of Fashion Textile & Ceramic at Myungji College, Seoul, Korea 70