I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n H a w a i i Night fog 300x230x220 mm | leather Park, You-shin KOREA | tricia7@naver.com 1993.2 Master’s degree at Sookmyung Women’s University 2002.2 Doctorate of Sejong University 1993.3~1994.2 Researcher at Nasan Design Institute 1994.3 ~1995.12 Instructor at the Institute of Jeong Jinhwa Stage Costumes 2016.12 “2015 KOREA STYLEWEEK ” (COEX) 2016.2 “2016 special JEONJU HANJI fashion show” (Korean Culture Centre in Sydney) 1996.03~ Associate Professor, Department of Fashion Industry, Seoil University What will not return 104x52x39 mm | recycled wood, glass, ancient stamps, object of my infancy and waxed cotton yarn Paula Isola ARGENTINA Studied industrial design, drawing, etching, photography and jewelry. Since 2006 participated in numerous collective exhibitions of contemporary jewelry in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, France, Poland, USA (Aaron Faber Gallery; Sofa Chicago 2017; MAD), Estonia and Bulgaria. 63