Korea Craft Designer Association 2022

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n H a w a i i Spring 270x270x350 mm | clay Park, Song-mi KOREA | psm6657@naver.com Kunsan Graduate school(doctoral course) of Plastic Arts and Design in pottery Department of Ceramic art, Graduate School of Ewha Woman University Exhibitions(Invitation and Group Exhibitions) Winner of Grand Prize at the 34th Grand Art Exhibition of Chunhyang Special Selection at the 40th Grand Art Exhibition of Korea (Division: Design · Modern Craft part) Namwon Asian Ceramic Art Camp Steering Committee & Judge Namwon civil college of Ceramic Art (Chief Lecturer) A Representative of the Pottery Land Circle 30x20x35 mm | silver 925 Park, Yang-hwa KOREA | oreum705@naver.com Representative, Jewelry Designer of Oreum Art Gem Design Institute Many activities of precious metal jewelry associations Prime Minister’s Commendation for Achievement in Design Grand Prize in Korea 54th Korea Design Exhibition won the Korean Patent Office Award for Fashion/ Textile Design The 38th Korea Art Exhibition won the Seoul Metropolitan Council Chair Award for Design (a number of other awards) More than 100 individual exhibitions and association exhibitions at home and abroad 62