Korea Craft Designer Association 2022

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n H a w a i i Time & Space 20220713 450x600 mm | silk Pak, Ok-mi KOREA | ompark@knu.ac.kr B.F.A. Department of Fashion Design at Kookmin University M.F.A. Department of Applied Art at Ewha Womans University Ph.D. Department of Fashion & Textile Design at Hanyang University Solo Exhibitions 9 Times (Seoul, Italy, U.K, China, USA) Many Times International Group Exhibitions Professor, Dept. of Fashion Design, School of Textile Engineering & Fashion Design, Kyungpook National University Clear Blossom(DTP) 420x594 mm | fabric Park, Eun-joo KOREA | ejoopk@yuhan.ac.kr (BA) Yonsei University, Department of Clothing and Textile (MA, PhD) Yonsei University Graduate School Chairman, Textile Design Education Subcommittee, Korea Textile Design Association 2007 Solo Exhibition, Shanghai Heimtextil 2013 Director of the Korean Society of Design and Culture Present) Professor, Yuhan University Department of Fashion 58