I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n H a w a i i Pandemic 650x350x750 mm | mix clay Kim, Jin-yong KOREA | mic-b@naver.com 1th Solo & 20th group Exhibitions The doctor’s course Formative arts &Design Graduate School Kunsan National University A Member of Korea Society of Ceramic Art, A Member of Korea Craft Design Association, A Member of the Korea Society of Art&Design Kunsan University, Seonam University, Jeonnam Provincial College lecture Flower 2022…02 420x594 mm | silk, dtp Kim, Joo-hee KOREA | joohee-art@hanmail.net Ph.D. Department of Textile & Fashion Design at Hanyang University Lecturer, Seoul Women’s University, Sang Myung, Dongduk, Kwangju University, Songdam College, SADI, Yuhan College, Yuhan Design Institute Textile Designer, Daehan Wool Textile Co., Ltd, Uno Textile, SeoHab Textile Adjunct Professor, Hanyang University, Myongji College Lecturer, Chung-Ang University, Chief, COME N HIDE Director of Korea Textile Association 37