Korea Craft Designer Association 2022

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n H a w a i i Illusion 470x470x200 mm | stainless steel, silver, mother-of-pearl, ottchil Hwangbo, Ji-young KOREA | hwangbo2001@hanmail.net 2002 Ph.D in Applied Arts of Graduate School, Hanyang University 2019 Cheongju Craft Biennale 2019 ‘Dreaming the crafts of the future, Mongyudowon Unfolds’ 2018 THE POWER OF [EXTRA] ORDINARY - KCDF GALLERY, KOREA 2017 The 47th Korea Crafts Competition, The President’s Award 2015,2014 The 33th, 32th Grand Art Exhibition of Korean, The Excellence Award 2007 Completion of Ibsajang from National Important Intangible Cultural Asset No.78 PATTERN-20220622 420x594 mm Im, Hye-sook KOREA | imss0905@gmail.com Kangwon national University, Professor Department of Fiber Arts, Ewha Womans University (M.F.A) Graduate School, Ewha Womans, Seoul, Korea (B.F.A) 23